Champion of Restaurant Entrepreneurship (CORE)AWARD WINNERS
An owner/operator will be recognized for their contributions to Wisconsin’s restaurant industry in the following areas: demonstrated passion for and success in their business, committed community involvement and support of WRA through membership. Nominees should show strong leadership skills, business acumen, a knack for moving the industry forward as innovators and be well-respected employers. 2023 Winner:
2022 Winners:
2020 Winners:
2019 Winners:
Best of the House—Front of the House (FOH)AWARD WINNERS
Nominees in these categories should be inspiring examples of employees who demonstrate professionalism in their jobs and help to further the positive image of the foodservice industry in Wisconsin. Eligible employees include staff who have regular contact with customers. The award recognizes front of the house staff who exhibit outstanding customer service, strong work ethic, leadership skills and have earned the respect of their colleagues and employer. 2023 Winners:
2022 Winner:
2020 Winners:
2019 Winners:
Best of the House—Back of the House (BOH)AWARD WINNERS
Nominees in these categories should be inspiring examples of employees who demonstrate professionalism in their jobs and help to further the positive image of the foodservice industry in Wisconsin. Eligible employees include staff from the back of the house. The award recognizes staff who exhibit attention to detail, calm under pressure, strong work ethic and leadership skills. 2023 Winner:
2022 Winners:
2020 Winners:
2019 Winners:
Innovation AwardAWARD WINNERS
Innovation is the future of our industry! Have you implemented anything unique to help your business grow? To create a new value to your customers or employees? Have you done something to streamline efficiencies in your business? 2023 Winner:
2022 Winners:
Restaurateur of the Year (ROY) Past Winners
2024 Chris Wiken
2023 Susan Lamers 2022 Joanne Palzkill 2021 Dave & Vicki Flannery 2020 Charlie Gray 2019 Susie Patterson 2018 Chico Pope 2017 Mark & Jean Landreman 2016 Mary Rowley 2015 Lynn McDonough 2014 Trey Hester 2013 Steve Schilling 2012 Craig & Lea Culver 2011 Bill von Rutenberg 2010 Mark Dougherty 2009 Dick Rudin 2008 Steve Davis 2007 Tom & Lynn Saxe |
2006 Linda Wendt
2005 Paul Cunningham 2004 Tom & Kiki Warren 2003 Gary Anderson 2002 Joe De Rosa 2001 Steve Allen 2000 Dale Leffel 1999 Bruce Wolf 1998 Jeff Steren 1997 Ron Slaght 1996 Dick Kroening 1995 Mike Pitzo 1994 Bernard Kurzawa 1993 Bob Chuck 1992 Alfred Peck 1991 John Kavanaugh 1990 Karl Van Roy 1989 Rollin Natter |
1988 Ron Heuser
1987 Fred Krautkramer 1986 Chuck & Carol Roherty 1985 John "Butch" Arps 1984 Don Zarder 1983 James Speth 1982 Henry Anderson 1981 Louis Bemis 1980 George Pandl 1979 Dale Rudy 1978 Heinz Fischer 1977 Bernard Schreiner 1976 Karl Ratzsch 1975 Cosmos Hoffman 1974 Joe LoCicero 1973 John Von Gnechten 1972 Lyle Poole |